Panda Doodle
Panda Doodle is a challenging drawing puzzle game. It's best playable on touch screens. The game runs in the browser, but can also be installed as a progressive web app. It is backed by Rust-generated WASM.
Hi, I'm Luca and this is my personal website. I'm a Computer Engineer interested in all sorts of stuff, from Programing, Math, Physics and Machine Learning to Video Games, Piano, Startups, Sustainable Energy, Neuroscience, Economics, Politics and more lately also raising kids. As you can see, long term focus doesn't seem to be my strength haha, and I still don't know what I want to do in life. Rocket League is my favourite game, I've been stuck with it for a few years already, but I play all sorts of stuff too. I plan to post here about anything I find interesting or worth sharing along those themes.